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Scott & Theresa Douglas
Lead Pastor, Church Planters, serving together and called to plant Impact Church in 2016, this couple helps to lead through vision and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. They raised four amazing humans, and now have a lovable Labrador, Gibson.

Jason & Tracy Connor
Small Group Leaders, Jason and Tracy help lead through serving and shepherding the people God leads to Impact. If you are interested in learning in small group settings and connecting through our events be sure to introduce yourself to this great couple.

Randy & Pam Bain
Administration & Finance, Randy and Pam are founding members of Impact. Randy helps to serve the church through Mens events and through administration and finance of the churches resources.

Cheryl Mann
Connections, Volunteers. Cheryl keeps things rolling and helps connect Impactors and new folks to the opportunity to serve together.
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